Dundrum Garda Station
The project was carried out in phases in order to maintain the continued operation of the Garda station. Phase 1, included the refurbishment and conversion of the original Courthouse whilst Phase 2 included the refurbishment and extension of the existing Garda station.
The original Police Barracks and Courthouse building is a Protected Structure designed by Deane & Woodword and constructed in the 1830’s. The original Police Station building was demolished in the early 1970’s and replaced with contemporary Garda Síochána. However the original Courthouse building was retained and remained in use for Court sittings until the early 1980’s. Since then it had been vacant and due to neglect the building fabric had deteriorated badly.
The redevelopment works involved in the full refurbishment of the Courthouse and including the insertion of a mezzanine floor within the main Courtroom space. In order to minimise the impact of the new structure on the character of the historic Courthouse the mezzanine is isolated from the historic fabric and is freestanding within the space.
The 1970’s building was party demolished and replaced with new structures to provide a new detention area, a public office, parade room and changing facilities for the Garda. The new build element features a large glazed screen with horizontal cedar brise-soleil providing views from the interior to a Willow tree which had been retained on site. The public entrance follows a curved wall formed with channel glazing and the interior public spaces feature bespoke oak furniture. Random rubble granite was used on the street frontage to compliment the materials of the original building and harmonise the historic and new build structures.
The Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland
850 m2
Garda Station
Completed December 2015